Greetings! I'm Ana, and I'd love to be your Sex Cam Girl Friend. It makes me happy to be able to make you smile. When you're comfortable with me, I like it. I am not actively seeking a man, but being single does provide you with the opportunity to be someone special to me. Being an extrovert is one of my favorite things to do; it allows me to attract attention and make you feel valued. Since I am in no position to gain or lose anything, I am never pretending. Is that so? In my no-cost chat room, I would love to hear about you. Seriously, it won't cost you a dime. Unless you want to escalate the situation, which you may do by adding tokens to your account, please refrain from making sexual demands. Furthermore, I am not trying to break your heart; I understand that you are here because you are going through a tough time in your relationship. If I can make you laugh, then I will have accomplished my goal.